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national flower show
20/21 may
Hi there guys,, Keep an eye on this space as I will be updating with show that will be happening this summer where you can catch up ..
Hi there guys,, Keep an eye on this space as I will be updating with show that will be happening this summer where you can catch up ..
Because of the postal strikes , I will be taking orders but only dispatching in Feb 2023. This will still allow plenty of time before spring to set up. If your order is for a present , Can I recommend you give a book as a token present until the hive ARRIVES.
So two new products for 2023, the picture seems to have come out a bit wonky and squished, but you can get the idea. These two tools complement the long knife . How it works is like this :
The long knife can cut the honey box away from the hive. (not shown but you can see it in my shop)
the offset knife can cut around the sides of the hive or honey box.
then the end knife can fit between the comb and cut the comb off so it can be removed.
I will put up a few videos of how they work then Ill put some up on my web site.
I am starting a extending me research across the country. Over the last five years I have been trying to track the progress of how hives have been doing across the country, however the data even when well-meaning has been unreliable not really usable and with tight data protection laws very difficult to track.
So I will now be starting a sponsored hive research program. Company’s, The firm you work for can sponsor a honeybee nest box beehive. For a small monthly cost we will install a Honeybee nest box in your area or in our research target area this will be fitted with the box you can see to the rite.
I will now be able to investigate a number of critical aspects that can only be done on a very large scale and with reliable data.
If you think your firm would like to take part in this worthwhile project please email.
At the very least we will be putting more honeybee nest box beehive into the environment.
Note: just for your interest, the box has been designed and printed by myself. It is to house a number of items as well as be expandable over the life of the project.
To start with and what you see here is the first set up. Arduino microprocessor, with GPRS board and chip. Memory board and card. Blue tooth board. Battery's and holders. Scale load cells. Lure and a servo to spray lure. All code is written using chat gdp.
you can copy and past this into word to print out:
I will be installing sponsored Honeybee nest boxes around this industrial site.
We would very much like to have you as one of the sponsors.
The contribution is £50.00 / monthfor the research period of 3 years, we would very much like to have you along as a valued contributor.
What? :
We are looking to install NEST BOX BEEHIVE on every industrial site and
in every science and business park across Europe and the UK.
Honeybees are in decline, even though there are more beekeepers now than there ever have been beekeepers. But I am not proposing more beekeeping, I am proposing the installation and monitoring of Honeybee nest boxes.
ECO-BEEHIVE’s are installed unoccupied, this gives honeybees more options, as to where they can nest.
More nest boxes then needed, will be installed and the bees will self-regulate their number to be in balance with that specific environment.
On every building that would like to participate.
This is not beekeeping but working with honeybees for their best interest, so each nest box must be separated by distance or by a geographical feature, just as in nature.
I will do a site risk assessment, and then install a hive on the roof or in the carpark, working with the site management, and building tenants.
How much?
£50.00/ month / building / nest box. This will cover:
· Site survey, and risk assessment.
· The cost of the hive and installation
· Cost of lure and bio-bed
· Any special mountings to secure hive
· Electronic monitoring and data collecting device and upkeep of this
· 6 monthly physical onsite inspection
· Keep up to date with government guidelines as well as bee-base and BBKA
· Do all servicing and inspecting as needed once hive is occupied
· Dealing with any problems that may arise.
· Annual report of how your bees are doing in your immediate area.
This is how you can help:
Agree to sponsor a hive at only £50.00/month for the next three years. That is all.
I will then arrange to site the nest box, this will be numbered and will be unique to your company. There after you will receive a bi annual report as how the bees in your area are doing, and how the research is proceeding, overall.
What I have not mentioned here is the wealth of information (data) that we will be able to glean from this project.
The data will be unique as this experiment has, to my knowledge never been done.
Or done on the scale I envisage and for the scope of data I would like to collect.
This unlike most graduate work done on honeybees, That is only done over a year or two, this will take about 10 years before we have a database of useful data that we can analyse.
The sooner we can get started the sooner we can see the real affect climate change and urbanisation is having on honeybees and other insects in the semi urban environment.
At this time I cannot even conceive how useful and interesting this will be. But it will definitely be. So I intend to collect as much as I can with the technology today.
Initial data to collect:
We will take internal and external environment into account as well as the immediate environment.
Temp, internal /external
Wind speed
Humidity internal/ external
Traffic (bees moving in and out the hive)
Light intensity
Sun exposure
Photo of area X3
Mass of hive
Battery life
Vandal monitor
This is with an Arduino, also incorporating a GPRS board, solar charger, blue tooth and memory card.
This device also has a built in lure dispenser.
Additional information
Data we are hoping to get some insight to:
Honeybees are not isolated pockets of bees living in beehives, but rather live as a network or colonies / beehives over and entire continent or in our case island.
We would like to investigate how this network is:
Breaking down
How it interacts with itself
How it copes with pests, Diseases and other transmittables
As these are inadvertently introduced by commercial beekeepers, how this then reverberates though the network and how the network then copes with these.
From this we will learn how we can help, how we can help rectify the network.
We will also learn how colony’s self-regulating their population densities according to geographical areas other pollinators and forage available.
With the very long dry summer bees have not been able to swarm.. so we as Gardeners Beehive Beekeepers have had a fantastic summer.
Unlike any conventional beekeeping.
Here is a Big Honey box that is just about full,
removed by me for a customer.
5.5Kg of honey from the BIG HONEY BOX on the left.
Here is 6.8Kg of honey from a
Here is the Small honeybox , and yes it is smaller than the honey box, and had more honey in!
As the year winds down, I will not be stopping, or slowing down.
Well,, as the year is coming to the quite months for me and natural beekeeping I am now focusing on two other, very important items.
I will be putting a set of training and lectures together with all the course work as .PD's, as well as exams with certificates.
But what I am really going to be pushing for is: to have all HONEY that is sold to be categorised so customers can be better informed and educated as to what they are putting in their bodies.
Three classifications
* Honey syrup : any honey that contains any synthetic Honey. In other words honey not 100% made by honey bees. (This is most of the honey in your supper market.)
* Farmed Honey : Any honey that was from bees that where fed. Fed anything inside or outside the hive, pollen or sugar or any derivative or anything that can be considered food.
* Honey: you would think this would be self explanatory , however it still needs an explanation. ( non of the above)
I will then later see if I cannot add another category
* WILD HONEY : Honey from bees that have had
1: No Feed
2: No swarm control
3: No chemicals
4: No unnecessary killing of bees. (No skep honey harvesting in the traditional way>)
AND this must be on every description on the container. so they cant have HONEY on the front then under the description have Honey Syrup
Home of Winston Churchill
revisiting the home of Peter Rabbit
View up the hill at one of a number that where there.
There are no bees at the Christopher Robin family home on open days. But originally there where. Also the BEE TREE mentioned in the books would have existed but no knowledge of it seems to exist in modern knowledge.
Check out this great video by Maggie who is a fantastic vidographer !!
Note on the wasps. the entrance hols on the Gardeners Beehive are a specific size and length. I noticed that bees and wasps cannot fight head on , from looking at and in a wild hive, so I incorporated this in a hive, tested it and it works so now I incorporate it in all my hives.
Hi Kevin,
I thought you'd be pleased to hear that I now have bees in the hive I bought from you last Autumn. Just by chance I happened to be in my orchard digging ragwort and thistles out and noticed a swarm in one of my trees, what a beautiful site.
I'm assuming that they have swarmed from my original colony in 'The Bee Shed'. So not wanting to leave it to fate and hope they'd find the hive I called a friend in and she scooped them all up and transferred them to the hive.
Such a fascinating thing to watch as they stragglers walked up the ramp into the hive. They have settled in nicely and there is a lot of activity around the hive now 2 days later.
Kind regards
??? in Cornwall
Meet my bees is on hold until further notice
If you would like to see MY HIVES IN ACTION I do a MEET MY BEES MORNING on the first Saturday of each month from March until November.
This covers an over view of HONEY BEES , beekeeping and bee hosting. (Stansted in Essex)
If you have any question about where I'll be or what Ill be talking about please feel free to just phone me on: 0127 9814 301
This is free to attend but booking is essential.
Over view of 2022
Hay Bee-fans, well I will be only referring to the hives I have had direct contact with.
Well with the long dry hot spell swarms seemed to not have stopped earlier than one would expect this year but the drones seemed to have diapered earlier than normal as well.
So in spring we had quite a few really nice strong swarms emerge from surviving winter with still quite a bit of stock.
The normal occasional loss from mice and colones that succumbed even with honey in the hive, for whatever reason . but these where , I would say lower that average.
But as a net result we have had exceptional honey harvest from some quarters.
And another thing that has been noticed is the size of existing swarms getting ready for winter seem much larger than normal with still loads of activity.
So all in all quote an exiting year.
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